Series 28.3 – Numenera with Darcy Ross (Discussion)

In the final episode of our Numenera series, Darcy Ross, from Cypher Speak and Monte Cook Games, sits down with us to discuss the process of character creation and we make some great fanfic! Announcements: Monte Cook Games $5 Off listener promotion: Use code “ccc5off” to get $5 off your order!   Leave us … Read more

110. Numenera Part 2

After discovering the young girl riding a giant centipede was a beale plagued by voices, our heroes elected to see her to the many colored hearing springs in the valley. Will they be able to help this child struggling with her powers? Are the watchers friend or foe? Why is it so much fun to shout Numenera?

109. Numenera Part 1

An odd band of travelers are on a journey to investigate the mysteries of the Ninth World. They find themselves just past the mountains that separate The Steadfast from the largely uncivilized western part of the Numenera super-continent. Now on the wandering walk our heroes must attempt to understand the wonders they behold.​