Skyjacks: Episode 139

Jonnit faces one of the most traumatic moments of his life, the first time he took a life. Teacher Wei takes a hard look at what violence has come to mean to this child, to judge both if he is worthy to receive the gifts of the temple and if he is strong enough to … Read more

Skyjacks: Episode 139

Jonnit faces one of the most traumatic moments of his life, the first time he took a life. Teacher Wei takes a hard look at what violence has come to mean to this child, to judge both if he is worthy to receive the gifts of the temple and if he is strong enough to … Read more

Skyjacks: Episode 138

Gable, Wendell, and Nodoze try to investigate the cavern around Le Plume Creux for any information that might help them claim the treasure. Wendell discusses his uneasiness around strange and powerful magics then stresses over what his life might be like after marrying his second spouse. Gable repeatedly faces the memories they recovered from the … Read more

Skyjacks: Episode 138

Gable, Wendell, and Nodoze try to investigate the cavern around Le Plume Creux for any information that might help them claim the treasure. Wendell discusses his uneasiness around strange and powerful magics then stresses over what his life might be like after marrying his second spouse. Gable repeatedly faces the memories they recovered from the … Read more

Skyjacks: Episode 137

Travis and Orimar are still hunting Travis’ changeling friend. To pass the time, they decide to make a wager with very high stakes and undertones that will frankly drive shippers absolutely wild. Gable, Nodoze, and Wendell finally reach the small cavern that is home to Le Plume Creux. Wendel is enthusiastic to try and recover … Read more

Skyjacks: Episode 136

Jonnit revisits a painful memory as a part of his trial. Through his journey, he has become powerful but he has also changed in other ways and that can be difficult to accept. After the midroll: Before the stars fell, in a village that would one day become Lastaloom a young woman dreamed of one-day … Read more

Skyjacks: Episode 135

Travis and Orimar take a ride on a boiler boat (a term that only exists in the summary for this episode) while heading to confront Travis’ old friend. They run into a pair of hunters who warn them of the Chasseur Saumâtre- a beast that stalks the mangrineel groves. Jonnit enters Teacher Wei’s pocket space, … Read more

Skyjacks: Episode 134

Gable, Wendell, and Nodoze arrive at the entrance to the cave rumored to contain a path to the mysterious and dangerous Plume Creux. They learn that the price to even begin this adventure is blood. They also learn some distressing things about the Deauxmignon economy. Before they descend, Gable is struck by another fragment of … Read more

Skyjacks: Episode 133

Gable thinks back to their first day on the job and what it was like to meet an important co-worker. Also, we learn their for real actual name. All of the names they have held up to this point were fake-outs and we totally got you. Secretnames all the way down. Jonnit prepares to face … Read more

Skyjacks: Episode 132

Jonnit encounters Teacher Wei, the Liquid Swords Monk who Hewano sent him to meet. Wei will decide if Jonnit can be trusted with the location of the Liquid Swords Monastery and perhaps secrets that will help him understand and control his powers as a seer. Travis is hurried along by The Forest Queen to a … Read more