Iron Edda Reforged: Puppet Strings – S1E13, True Justice, pt 1

Episode Summary The moment has come. Aki, Eydis, and Rani make their way into the heart of the Panopticon. The final moments of Tyr are at hand. All things must come to an end. Episode Notes Puppet Strings is an actual/playtest of Iron Edda Reforged, Season One – Jotunheim. Written and designed by Tracy Barnett, performed by Alex … Read more

Iron Edda Reforged: Puppet Strings – S1E11, The Hand of Tyr, pt 1

Episode Summary The Wrecking Crew make it past the last of the Panoticon’s defenses, which means only one obstacle remains: the Hand of Tyr. Episode Notes Puppet Strings is an actual/playtest of Iron Edda Reforged, Season One – Jotunheim. Written and designed by Tracy Barnett, performed by Alex Flanigan, Bee Zelda, and Jeff Stormer. Edited by Jupiter Alchys. Track used is Neon  by … Read more

Iron Edda Reforged: Puppet Strings, S1E10 – Closer to the Heart

Episode Summary The Wrecking Crew make their way through more of the defenses of the inner Panopticon, on their way to the Heart of Tyr. We also wrap things up with a round of post-session feedback! Episode Notes Puppet Strings is an actual/playtest of Iron Edda Reforged, Season One – Jotunheim. Written and designed by Tracy Barnett, … Read more

Iron Edda Reforged: Puppet Strings, S1E9 – The Wrecking Crew

Episode Summary Roy’s hidden plan goes into motion and we meet new members of the crew; real heavy hitters. Episode Notes Puppet Strings is an actual/playtest of Iron Edda Reforged, Season One – Jotunheim. Written and designed by Tracy Barnett, performed by Alex Flanigan, Bee Zelda, and Jeff Stormer. Edited by Jupiter Alchys. Track used is Neon  by Scott Buckley. Used under a … Read more

Iron Edda Reforged: Puppet Strings – S1E8, How to Bite the Hand

Episode Summary Eydis, Aki, and Rani get more than they bargained for when they get to the place where they’re supposed to meet up with Burnt Umber… Episode Notes Puppet Strings is an actual/playtest of Iron Edda Reforged, Season One – Jotunheim. Written and designed by Tracy Barnett, performed by Alex Flanigan, Bee Zelda, and Jeff Stormer. Edited by Jupiter Alchys. … Read more

Iron Edda Reforged: Puppet Strings, S1E7 – Side Story: The Panopticon, pt. 2

Episode Summary In the conclusion of this first Side Story, we join DJ, JV, Sebastian, and Melissa as they take their plan to its conclusion and break out of the Panopticon! Episode Notes Puppet Strings is an actual/playtest of Iron Edda Reforged, Season One – Jotunheim. Written and designed by Tracy Barnett, performed by Alex Flanigan, Bee Zelda, and Jeff … Read more

Iron Edda Reforged: Puppet Strings, S1E6 – Side Story: The Panopticon

Episode Summary In this first Side Story, we join DJ, JV, Sebastian, and Melissa as they learn the rules and begin to figure out how to break out of Tyr’s Panopticon! Episode Notes Puppet Strings is an actual/playtest of Iron Edda Reforged, Season One – Jotunheim. Written and designed by Tracy Barnett, performed by Alex Flanigan, Bee Zelda, and Jeff … Read more

Iron Edda Reforged: Puppet Strings – Breakdown 01

Episode Summary Due to some scheduling issues, we needed to fill this week’s slot! Join Tracy as they break down some of the mechanical underpinnings of Iron Edda Reforged. This week, we’re talking difficulties! Episode Notes Puppet Strings is an actual/playtest of Iron Edda Reforged, Season One – Jotunheim. Written and designed by Tracy Barnett, performed by Alex … Read more

Iron Edda Reforged: Puppet Strings, S1E4 – A Different Point of View

Episode Summary After a meeting in the Twitch, we see the rebellion from a different angle. Episode Notes After a meeting in the Twitch, we see the rebellion from a different angle. Puppet Strings is an actual/playtest of Iron Edda Reforged, Season One – Jotunheim. Written and designed by Tracy Barnett, performed by Alex Flanigan, Bee Zelda, and Jeff Stormer. … Read more