"Campaign" Backlog

Sidequest: Episode Four

March 9th, 2016

In the conclusion to our first sidequest, Coneman and Tupp hunt for one honest cop amidst Phindar Station’s pubs and speakeasies. Will they find their being, or is all lost?

Episode Fifty Five

February 22nd, 2016

With dawn only a few hours away, I think we’re safe to call it a night. Looking back, a whole lot happened that first day of BHIKKE.

Episode Fifty Four

February 12th, 2016

 Bacta boogies down at the BHIKKE Ball, Tryst and Lyn seek the aid of Coneman and Tupp, and Leenik gets some advice from an unlikely source.

Sidequest: Episode Three

February 4th, 2016

Everyone’s favorite super sleuths square off against some grade-Aurek mooks. Tupp’s opponent? An in-distress medical droid that definitely had a different name last episode. Coneman’s? Three seasoned bounty hunters. Seems like a pretty fair fight for the prize-winning author.

Flashback: Episode Ten

January 28th, 2016

The Final Installment of Bounty About Bespin: A Geelo Bros & Sons Adventure (Featuring Chartruse!) How will those rascally Geelo Bros. explain the fallout of this one?

Flashback: Episode Nine

January 23rd, 2016

Having attracted Traxx’s attention, it’s time for Geelo Bros. and Sons (and Chartreuse!) to get find out exactly what they’re getting themselves into. Hopefully, it won’t be TROUBLE ON TIBANNOPOLIS!

Flashback: Episode Eight

January 15th, 2016

With a blue-chip prospect in their sites, can the Geelo Bros. deal with the action in Cloud City’s more clandestine cloisters? Or will they fold under pressure?

Sidequest: Episode Two

January 8th, 2016

We made a hard-boiled joke in the last title card, but darn it if Coneman and Tupp don’t eat some eggs this episode as a new dawn rises on Phindar Station.

Flashback: Episode Seven

January 1st, 2016

The Geelo brothers are at it again! A bounty on Bespin? What malarky!