Series 18.3 – Descent into Midnight with designers Richard and Taylor (Discussion)
July 15, 2019
Show Notes
On today’s episode, Series 18 wraps up with Descent into Midnight, a Powered by the Apocalypse game designed by Richard Kreutz-Landry, Taylor LaBresh and Rich Howard. We welcome back Richard and Taylor this episode and plunge into the deep end to discuss the character creation process and even delve into some fanfic with our own characters.
- Twitter Thread
- Character Creation Cast Panel
- Quiztem Mastery
- Brewing Strife (Amelia’s L5R Game)
- World Building through Character Creation
- Chimera Games
- Still TBD
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Guests and Projects:
Richard Kreutz-Landry @rkreutzlandry
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/rkreutzlandry
- Website: http://origamigaming.com/
Taylor LaBresh @LeviathanFiles
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/LeviathanFiles
- Website: https://riverhousegames.com/
- Itch.io: https://riverhousegames.itch.io/
00:00:00 – Announcements
00:04:04 – Intro
00:04:29 – Richard’s Character
00:07:39 – Taylor’s Character
00:08:55 – Amelia’s Character
00:10:57 – Ryan’s Character
00:13:12 – Community
00:46:32 – d20 for your thoughts
01:03:22 – How does it stack up?
01:31:20 – Take it up a level
01:39:29 – Taylor’s Plugs
01:40:41 – Richard’s Plugs
01:42:09 – Episode Closer
01:43:34 – Show Blurbs
01:44:11 – Outtakes
Opening: Meditation Impromptu 03 (http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Kevin_MacLeod/Calming/Meditation_Impromptu_03) by Kevin MacLeod (http://incompetech.com)
Clip 1: Ocean Ending (http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Soft_and_Furious/Best_Of__Pick_Your_Player/Soft_and_Furious_-_Best_Of_-_Pick_Your_Player_-_01_Ocean_Ending) by Soft and Furious (http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Soft_and_Furious/)
Main Theme: Hero (Remix) (http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Steve_Combs/Principal_Photography_1493/11_Hero_Remix) by Steve Combs (http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Steve_Combs/)
Games discussed this episode:
Descent Into Midnight
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/DiMRPG
- Website: https://descentintomidnight.com
Our Podcast:
Character Creation Cast:
- Twitter: @CreationCast (https://twitter.com/CreationCast)
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Amelia Antrim:
- Twitter: @gingerreckoning (https://twitter.com/gingerreckoning)
- Garbage of the Five Rings podcast: (http://garbageofthefiverings.com/)
- G5R Twitter: @G5Rpodcast (https://twitter.com/G5Rpodcast)
Ryan Boelter:
- Twitter: @lordneptune (https://twitter.com/lordneptune)
- Website: https://lordneptune.com
- Chimera RPG: @ChimeraRPG (https://twitter.com/ChimeraRPG)
- Side Heroes: @SideHeroesPod (https://twitter.com/SideHeroesPod)
- Patreon: https://patreon.com/RyanBoelter
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