Skyjacks: Episode 94

Gable, Jonnit, and Travis finally manage to find Spit. He does understand Orimar better than anyone else on the crew, but they’ll need to prove to him that they have Orimar’s best interests at heart. Which might be difficult because he’s unwinding a bit too much. CONTENT NOTE Main Show: Psychadellics, betrayal, anger, pervert sign Dear … Read more

Skyjacks: Episode 93

The Captain’s council meet with Liuto and learns about the past between Captain Orimar and The Bandit Queen. With so much at stake, they decide it would be best to learn as much as they can about their employer before heading into this meeting. CONTENT NOTE Main Show: We have to learn about the places spit … Read more

Skyjacks: Episode 92

After a night of celebration and some heartache exploring, the crew of The Uhuru wake to greet the arrival of The Tempest Armada. The Bandit Queen and a small fleet of her most trusted generals have arrived, prepared to finish the deal struck at The Broker’s Table in Bura Nyth. It should be an easy … Read more

Skyjacks: Episode 91

Travis and Jolly Jack go to The Well and try to outmatch one another in a game of secrets and honesty. Even for his companions, Travis’ history with Jack is shrouded in mystery. Margeret senses a wound in Jack’s heart shrouded in layers of artifice. Can Travis draw it from the well? CONTENT WARNING Main … Read more

Skyjacks: Episode 90

The captain’s council is thrown into confusion after Travis dramatically threatens Jolly Jack, a seemingly affable visitor to the city of N’Goni. Still, they seem determined to back his play. Thankfully Margaret is around to keep things from getting too bloody and nudge the council back on track. CONTENT WARNING Main Show: Dear Uhuru: We … Read more

Skyjacks: Episode 89

After a few short weeks of travel, The Uhuru arrives at the city of N’Goni. OR at least where the city should be. However, they are having a little trouble finding where to land. Once they arrive they encounter a mysterious stranger while awaiting The Bandit Queen. CONTENT WARNING Main Show: Bullying Dear Uhuru: Robo hogs, … Read more

Skyjacks: Episode 88

Gable, Travis, and Jonnit try to process what Dref told them as Margaret delicately tries to teach two immortals how to deal with emotions like a well-adjusted person. They discover Dref’s shelf is full of secrets that were waiting to be discovered. Some buried for nearly a century. CONTENT WARNING Main Show: Greif, guilt, justified … Read more

Skyjacks: Episode 87

The crew holds a seance to commune with the spirit of their departed friend. He is not the same man he was in death that he was in life, but there is still much they have to tell him. They intend to learn more about the captain, but they discover unexpected danger. CONTENT WARNING Main … Read more

Skyjacks: Episode 87

The crew holds a seance to commune with the spirit of their departed friend. He is not the same man he was in death that he was in life, but there is still much they have to tell him. They intend to learn more about the captain, but they discover unexpected danger. CONTENT WARNING Main … Read more

Skyjacks: Episode 86

Margaret arrives to council our heroes on how to navigate the tricky social faux pas of using necromancy on a man’s body to pretend he is alive while he happens to be haunting that body. We’ve all been there. Together they decide it might be wise to get some help and Travis thinks of the … Read more