80. Our Last Best Hope 2

After a flurry of shocking revelations will our team be strong enough to survive another? The mission to nuke the moon is already in dire straits after the exploding eagle team was struck by moon lava and exploded. At this point is would take super human levels of competency to complete their mission and save the earth. Are our heroes up to the task!?

79. Our Last Best Hope

In the year 2020 the earth is threatened by her closest neighbor: THE MOON. An intrepid band of earth’s greatest scientific minds is dispated with a desperate plan just crazy enough to work. Brilliant Cosmic Ecologist Joy Worth (Phoebe Stonebraker,) Engineering wunderkind Logan Murphy (Tyler Davis,) the world’s foremost expert on sociology Crispin Nugget (Brad Pike,) and the President/World’s fastest doctor Steel Johnson (James D’Amato) are OUR LAST BEST HOPE.