Dungeons & Da Asians – Session 0
July 23, 2019
Show Notes
To celebrate Asians Represent’s nomination for Best Podcast at the 2019 ENnie Awards, here’s session zero of our upcoming D&D actual play…Dungeons & Da’ Asians! You’ll be introduced to Dong-Feng (Agatha) the crustacean sky soldier, W’Leed (Ammar) the human pirate, and Ning (Steve) the water genasi rogue as we prepare for our upcoming adventure through the kingdom of Xia!
If you have questions about this episode’s themes, suggestions, or anything else related to Asians Represent, get in touch with us on Twitter/Instagram @aznsrepresent, Facebook/aznsrepresent, or at aznsrepresent@oneshotpodcast.com.
Follow Ammar @ammarijaz and Steve @DeeEmSteve on Twitter!
Cloudy by KODOMOi
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