Show Notes

40,000 years after the start of common era (which also happens to coincide with certain religious events) and several hundred million years before the events of Numenera, the galaxy is torn by war. Humanity is lead by an immortal god king kept living by eating 1,000 psychics a day. The universe is full of hostile alien life, strife, and cultural stagnation.

Thorough out man’s corrupt imperium perhaps there is no group more wicked, more callously focused on personal gain, than the crew of The Golden Corral.

Valorcon October 16-18

6PM-7PM Playing Likable Characters
8PM-10PM Campaign Vs. Improvised Star Trek

11AM-12PM Gaming podcasts 101
2PM-3PM GMing Roundtable
Come join this roundtable discussion between GMs – audience participation encouraged. Experienced GMs and game designers will be discussing mechanics, the state of the industry, and various topics relating to running and creating RPGs.

3PM-8PM Flight of the Robins
9PM-??? Main Stage Dread

12PM-1PM Not Designing a Heartbreaker

2PM-5PM Wes Anderson Fiasco

Metatopia November 5-8
Acadecon November 13-15