With their old friend Davis in tow, the Dogs stumble upon a little town on the prairie. Hig narrowly avoids the tall grass, Emmet appreciates the finer things, Ines is a model house-guest, and Zadie dreams up a new friend. CONTENT WARNINGSExplicit Language Follow Iron Hides on Twitter: @IronHidesPod — CastJohn Wyatt “Hig” Higgins played … Read more
"Podcasts" Backlog
The Orpheus Protocol with Rob Stith
May 17th, 2019The Orpheus Protocol is an RPG as well as an actual-play podcast. Creator Rob Stith takes us through the evolution of the game and how running an AP as a living playtest has affected his process.
The Blame Game Episode Five
May 17th, 2019Following a short break, it’s time for Lions, Cleo, and Local to meet with Triskaad and start moving on the information they’ve collected.
104. G/Razer and Other Strangeness
May 17th, 2019Welcome, Junior Wizards! This week we return to the glory of “TMNT and Other Strangeness” to create a 90s style superpowered animal with attitude! “The animal chain of command goes Beaver, Mouse, Sparrow, Deer.” G/Razer has arrived
EPISODE 20: The Monster Within pt. 4
May 14th, 2019Moriah stumbles into a discovery in the woods that rattles the team’s understanding of the mystery, while a disturbing symptom that takes hold in Director Kennedy indicates things may be more dire than the Hunters had dared to consider.
Series 16.2 – Hearts of Wulin with Lowell Francis [The Gauntlet] and Agatha Cheng [Asians Represent] (Creation Continued)
May 13th, 2019This is the second episode of the 16th series, and we’ll be finishing up character creation for Hearts of Wulin, a Powered by the Apocalypse wuxia RPG with creators Agatha Cheng from the Asians Represent podcast and Lowell Francis from The Gauntlet podcast. We are also joined by a guest co-host, Adira Slattery, fellow One … Read more
307. Hearts of Wulin Part 1
May 13th, 2019Skilled fighters from all over are preparing for the Wulin tournament to decide who will lead the Wulin world. This predictably leads to some problems. HEARTS OF WULINKickstarter (going live tomorrow) HELP OUR PEOPLEDonate to CaseyDonate to DrewDonate to Jef BUY MY BOOK!Amazon Pre-OrderBarnes and Noble Pre-Order TWITCH SCHEDULETwitch PageYoutube Archive TAKE ACTIONRegister to VoteFind your … Read more
103. Typhoor: Falling into Sync
May 10th, 2019Welcome, Junior Wizards! This week, join us as we conclude the tale of Typhoor and The Navigator’s Blade! Can The Howling Wind of Barrimetris be restored? Will The Aegis ever be called to protect the city? Lets find out, shall we?
Firefly: Episode 1
May 8th, 2019Pauku, Nicky, Tryst, Evelyn, and Lin arrive on a dusty rim moon to move some fish paste, mail, and illicit goods. Things don’t go smooth. HELP DREWGo Fund Me