Fleeing their misadventure aboard the unfinished Death Star, the crew of the Mynock find themselves low on fuel in an unfamiliar system. Worse yet, this strange world may be a hideout for smugglers and bounty hunters who have ties to the Empire. New to the Trsy, Leenik, and Bacta’s escapades? Check out their earlier adventures under the banner of the ONE … Read more
"Podcasts" Backlog
64. Feng Shui 2 Part 4
October 6th, 2014Our heroes have finally reached the top of Buro Tower where their enemies new and old await a final, glorious confrontation. Who know what wicked ends the Cobra Commander, agent of the Ascended has for Hong Kong? And what of the mysterious head of the Buro Corporation? Is he the maniacal tyrant that Battlechimp Potemkin warned our heroes about? All that is hidden shall be made manifest on this episode of ONE SHOT!
63. Feng Shui 2 Part 3
September 29th, 2014After finally reaching the Cobra Commander our heroes face down the return of three conspicuous dressed ninjas. Then it’s time to send this adventure rocketing full throttle into the future. In the world of Feng Shui the future is Bananas and it takes all of Inspector Jackie’s willpower to stop himself from going ape.
62. Feng Shui 2 Part 2
September 22nd, 2014Our heroes begin to ascend the tower, however this journey brings them perilously close to the venomous jaws of the cobra! Can our heroes outwit the conniving commandos?
61. Feng Shui 2 Part 1
September 17th, 2014Two years after busting up the Cobra run drug gang in New York, Inspector Jackie (Chris Sims) is visited by his brother Ray, his niece Angela (Kat Murphy), and notable street tough Tommy Euphrates (John Patrick Coan.) A lot has changed for our heroes in two years, but somethings never change as a policeman’s ball turns into a deadly hostage crisis. The shadow of doom looms over our rag tag team as they face down an old enemy. Can they prevail? Listen in and find out!
60. Protocol
September 8th, 2014This week Brandon Shockney returns and brings Jonathon Pernisek from the “How Rude!” Full House podcast to play a game of Protocol with James.
59. Crazy Anniversary Partiers 4
August 25th, 2014With hearts of steel and skin of stone the Crazy Partiers descend into the wicked depths of the Underdark where an ancient evil awaits their arrival. What will they find in the inky cavers so far from the warm embrace of the sun? The final boss? Monsters that are not appropriately scaled to 5e? Exactly what Kat predicated? Love?
58. Crazy Anniversary Partiers 3
August 25th, 2014This week the party charges into unknown situations head first and one of them pays for it with his life! There will be rope bridges! There will be discussion of rock formations! There will be creatures lurking in the darkness! Be sure to listen to this cliffhanger-tastic episode of ONE SHOT!
Gencon Special
August 22nd, 2014James and Kat are joined by their good friend Sam Kaye to play Dungeon World with David Ewalt, editor at Forbes Magazine and Author of “Of Dice and Men.”