Although Rivka gave birth to a healthy child, her voice was stolen away by a dybbuk who has also possessed Zalman. The Shtetl has been torn apart by a schism, the Kazakhs threaten to destroy at least half of what remains. Can a Klezmer, a Matchmaker, and a Midwife save the Rabbi’s daughter and heal … Read more
"Podcasts" Backlog
73. Fantasy Road Trip: Volume I
May 30th, 2018Welcome, Junior Wizards! This week, Senior Wizards talk nothing but world-building! Landscapes, cultures, character classes, you name it! If you’ve ever wanted to know more about the world of Fantasy, let this be your guide!
Series 4.3 – L5R 4E with Tanner Clausen (Discussion):
May 28th, 2018This is the third episode in the fourth series and on today’s episode we sit down with Tanner Clausen, GM on the Shadow of the Cabal podcast, to finish discussing character creation for Legend of the Five Rings 4th Edition.
255. Dream Apart Part 2
May 28th, 2018Czarist forces are raiding the Shtetl for every last bit of wealth and comfort. Zalman intends to drive them out even if it means consorting with dark forces. But with mysterious birth complication plaguing the entire region could his meddling make matters much worse? BACK DREAM APART Kickstarter BUY MY BOOK! Amazon Pre-Order Barnes and Noble … Read more
62. Stephanie Bryant
May 24th, 2018Game designer, crafter, and scrum master Stephanie Bryant brings us a kinder, gentler post-apocalypse.
72. Bural Smazoney: The Painted Mountain
May 21st, 2018Welcome, Junior Wizards! This week, join Aaron and Jeff for the tale of Bural Smazoney! Paint that captures a memory can be yours at the great mountain, you just have to wait.
Series 4.2 – L5R 4E with Tanner Clausen (Creation Continued)
May 21st, 2018On today’s episode we sit down with Tanner Clausen, GM on the Shadow of the Cabal podcast, to finish creating characters for the game that is played on that podcast, Legend of the Five Rings 4th Edition.
254. Dream Apart Part 1
May 21st, 2018Times are hard in the Shetel, the war pulls young men and money from people until they are left with almost nothing, the non-jewish populations are all but openly hostile, and dangers of the hidden world haunt the dark places of their settlement. However, there is still hope. BACK DREAM APART Kickstarter BUY MY BOOK! … Read more
12. Romancing the Wall
May 18th, 2018With no GM, players in Questlandia 2 are responsible for framing their own scene types. As a result they animate objects, make holy voyages, and befriend a sentient wall.