"Arms of the Tide" Backlog

The Blame Game Episode Nine

June 18th, 2019

The plan to fake Vanui’s death and cover for Triskaad advances.

The Blame Game Episode Eight

June 18th, 2019

The gang asks questions of Vanui as he begins to understand what his new life might mean.

The Blame Game Episode Seven

June 4th, 2019

As Kaa security storms Gorfmann’s Repose, things heat up for the team.

The Blame Game Episode Six

May 21st, 2019

The investigation into the names Triskaad supplied begins and leads to a strange escapade involving bingo, a man named Duke, and talk of infrastructure.

The Orpheus Protocol Kickstarter: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/948927035/the-orpheus-protocol

The Blame Game Episode Five

May 17th, 2019

Following a short break, it’s time for Lions, Cleo, and Local to meet with Triskaad and start moving on the information they’ve collected.