"Podcasts" Backlog

EPISODE 26: Hide & Seek pt. 3

June 25th, 2019

The Hunters embark on their most daunting challenge of all: party composition. Whatever’s out there in the woods, they aim to find it–no matter how ill-prepared they might be.

Character Evolution Cast E13 – Inspiration

June 24th, 2019

In today’s Character Evolution Cast episode, we chat about places to find inspiration for your game. While there are endless sources of ideas, we sit down together to talk about a few of our favorites.

311. Red Carnations on a Black Grave Part 2

June 24th, 2019

The early days of the commune were so full of hope and excitement. As The Bloody Week draws near that optimism starts to wane and that strains the relationships of the citizens of Paris. RED CARNATIONS ON A BLACK GRAVEBack the Kickstarter! BUY MY BOOKS!Pre-Order the New One!Get the old one! CRYPTID KEEPER and CAMPAIGN … Read more

108. Selina Riverpass: The Wizard’s Dozen

June 21st, 2019

Welcome, Junior Wizards! The Shatterpoint Fjords are a region of Fantasy where some of the most powerful Wizards alive call home. Selina Riverpass had a vision of bringing the joy of her culture to the world. This is her tale.

Skyjacks: Episode 20

June 19th, 2019

Thanks to their bizarre contract with The Broker our heroes have just a day to prepare for the race which opens Aur Pióra. Can Dref help his companions: a charismatic idiot, a career layabout, and an actual child learn the obscenely complicated rules? Will Gable be able to condition Jonnit and Travis with a cross … Read more

The Blame Game Episode Nine

June 18th, 2019

The plan to fake Vanui’s death and cover for Triskaad advances.

The Blame Game Episode Eight

June 18th, 2019

The gang asks questions of Vanui as he begins to understand what his new life might mean.

EPISODE 25: Hide & Seek pt. 2

June 18th, 2019

Moriah gets an unexpected lead in her investigation. Siobhan parts ways with Eleanor and tries to set a political coup into motion despite a 0 Charm rating. Adam gets honest about the bigger picture, and Martha revisits a suspicion from her dreams.