Ep 76: The Lucky and The Lost
February 19, 2021
Show Notes
The NeoScum — well, Dak, Pox, and Tech — leave town still reeling from their friend’s sudden disappearance. They were dealt a bum hand, worst in the deck… but every deal has its turn.
(Editor’s Note: Gannon’s audio file was lost and we had to use his Zoom track!)
♥ Blair’s Twitter thread regarding the Blair Britt Break ♥
NeoScum is Blair Britt, Mike Migdall, Gannon Reedy, Eleni Sauvageau, and Casey Toney. Yeah, daddy. You can find NeoScum on Twitter, on Reddit, and at NeoScum.com.
- KICKSTART “THE COMPANY” EXPANSION! Help friend of the show, Logan Dean, Kickstart the expansion to his corporate-horror TTRPG, The Company! Featuring contributions from our very own Gannon Reedy and beloved artist and scummer, Alex Mitchell!
- CHECK OUT GIO’S MUSIC! Find more of Gio’s music and art at his Bandcamp!
- SEND YOUR FRIENDS TO THE NEOSCUM STARTER! A primer to the show and characters, NeoScum.com/Starter is the #1 stop for new listeners.
- UNLOCK MORE EPs WITH THE NEOSCUM PATREON! At the Scum Rat tier, Patrons get alternating Gaiden and Scum Chat episodes every other #NeoScumFriday — plus several dozen hours of archived bonus episodes and content.
- SIGN UP FOR THE SCUMLETTER! NeoScum’s fun and informative monthly newsletter is available for sign up at NeoScum.com/scumletter. Keep up to date on all things NeoScum, including Gannon’s Cyberpunk Essentials.
- GET SOME MERCH! The NeoScum Shop at Threadless has a truckload of apparel, accessories, and decor! Check it out at NeoScum.com/shop.
- CHECK OUT THE TWITCH STREAMS! Catch Mike & Eleni @ twitch.tv/itsmikelenitime, Casey @ twitch.tv/caseyponey, and Blair @ twitch.tv/blairbrittproject
This episode of NeoScum features songs by Gio Benedetti:
- NeoSad Theme (Ethereal Mix)
And the following music from HoZac Records:
- Barry Mundane Has Plans – Dan Melchior
- I’m Coming Down – Georgiana Starlington
- Handsome Nick – The People’s Temple
- The Great Divide – Georgiana Starlington
- Uneasy – Wax Idols
- Mike’s Dust – Cowboys
- I’m Dead (Instrumental) – The Limiñanas (ending plug)
Music may have been edited or modified for use. Learn more about HoZac and the artists they support at HoZacRecords.com.