Dillin Apelyan

About Dillin

Dillin Apelyan (he/she/they) or Superdillin is a game designer and Actual Play performer who believes in games as an art form, and lives and breathes for the surprising depth of connection found in organized make-believe. He’s known primarily for his roles as Ayg, on The Atomless, and Atelut, on Unprepared Casters, and her games have been featured on Critter Hug, Adventuring Academy, and Party of One. Dillin’s goal on One Shot, and in life, is to showcase the brilliance and eclectic weirdness in this big vast world of tabletop RPGs, and to uplift as many designers and improvisers as possible along the way.
You can find Superdillin & their work at: http://superdillin.carrd.co
You can listen to The Atomless at: http://atomless.carrd.co 

Dillin's Shows

One Shot

Host / Gamemaster

Dillin's Publications

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