Welcome to a special episode of Character Creation Cast! It’s been almost exactly one year since we released Episode Zero into the world! This episode, we will be tackling your questions with our answers!
"Podcasts" Backlog
300. The Watch Part 1
March 25th, 2019James, Mel, and The Broadswords build characters and develop their setting for The Watch! EDITING BYMJ THE WATCHBuy Here! SAVE JEFDonate Here BUY MY BOOK!Amazon Pre-OrderBarnes and Noble Pre-Order TWITCH SCHEDULETwitch PageYoutube Archive TAKE ACTIONRegister to VoteFind your SenatorsFind your CongressmenMake 5 CallsTrans LifelineTrevor Project
Character Creation Spotlight – Witch+Craft with Shannon and Dillon
March 21st, 2019Welcome to a special bonus episode of Character Creation Spotlight! In this episode, we’re shining the light onto a D&D 5E supplement called Witch+Craft, currently kickstarting as of the release of this episode, with creators Shannon and Dillon from Astrolago Press. Check it out here: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/astrolago/witch-craft-a-5e-supplemental
Audio Drama: Celeste Silverna II. Magenta
March 20th, 2019Welcome, Junior Wizards! This week, we bring you part 2 of Celeste Silverna’s tale. She faces the unknown with a wand at her hip. What to do with it? What to do with it?
Skyjacks: Episode 13
March 20th, 2019The Uhuru sets sail for a port where they can find supplies. Dref tries to help Gable grapple with hazy memories while Jonnit and Travis learn about their potential new responsibilities from Spit. CONTENT WARNING Main show: Disorientation, vertigo, triggered memories. Dear Uhuru: Masturbation jokes MAILING LISTIf you want to be notified about our upcoming … Read more
EPISODE 12: The Trouble With Tulpas pt. 1
March 19th, 2019You’ll never believe what happened at the Senior Bash! Or, maybe you will. In fact, maybe belief has a lot more to do with it than one might initially assume. After Corey storms the Revenant Truthers Society with declarations of alien activity, our Hunters have to do a bit of digging to get to the … Read more
299. For The Queen Part 2
March 18th, 2019The Queen is bad, actually. SAVE JEFDonate Here FOR THE QUEENPreorder Here BUY MY BOOK!Amazon Pre-OrderBarnes and Noble Pre-Order TWITCH SCHEDULETwitch PageYoutube Archive TAKE ACTIONRegister to VoteFind your SenatorsFind your CongressmenMake 5 CallsTrans LifelineTrevor Project
Series 14.3 – Shadowrun with NeoScum (Discussion)
March 18th, 2019Welcome to the final episode of the 14th series, everyone! Today we sit back down with the folks from NeoScum and dive into some really interesting discussion around character creation in the extremely complex game that is Shadowrun.
Episode 5: The Chase
March 15th, 2019With the Marlow twins eager to issue swift justice, and Hig and Ines eager to just discuss the issue, Adrianna has escaped. As she is now the Dogs’ only hope to knowing if the townspeople can be helped, it’s time to give chase. CONTENT WARNINGSExplicit Language Follow Iron Hides on Twitter: @IronHidesPod — CastJohn Wyatt … Read more