Evelyn rushes back to the ship to follow a hunch. Coincidentally Tryst is taking Sal in the same direction. Meanwhile, Pauku and Nicky struggle to wrestle a new part out of the paws of rats. HELP DREWGo Fund Me
"Podcasts" Backlog
The Blame Game Episode Seven
June 4th, 2019As Kaa security storms Gorfmann’s Repose, things heat up for the team.
EPISODE 23: Winterlude 4
June 4th, 2019The summer passes quietly as our heroines try to figure out their place in the relationships they’ve built and the community they’ve begun knitting together. Can they trust their new normal?
Skyjacks: Episode 18
June 3rd, 2019The Skyjacks lose their ace negotiator to an ill-timed transformation when The Broker requests a night meeting. Unloading the stolen cargo may cost them more than expected. Unless, of course, they accept one simple condition… MAILING LISTIf you want to be notified about our upcoming soundtrack, setting information, games, live shows, or anything else related … Read more
Skyjacks: Episode 17
June 3rd, 2019Weaving through the crowded streets of pre-festival Burza Nyth, Travis leads the Skyjacks to an old acquaintance. Relieving themselves of their woven wares is simple in theory. But don’t count on simple when it comes to this crew. CONTENT WARNINGMain Show: Attempted physical violence, the threat of gun violence, overly long and self-indulgent guest interludePost Show: … Read more
The Overshare 128: Reunion
June 3rd, 2019Alex and James sit down with JPC and MJ Lyons and discover exactly how rusty James can be at improv. Cryptid Keeper and Campaign Live!Get Tickets The Dungeon Dome Presents: Dungeons and Dollars6/14 7:00 PM CT
Special Announcements – Brief Hiatus and More!
June 3rd, 2019In this special announcements episode, we go over a few important announcements for us, GenCon and even get to read a review again!
106. Hank Grimtooth: Wyzzardd and Me
May 31st, 2019Welcome, Junior Wizards! The story of Craig “Wyzzardd” Hasterburg is one that inspires disgust in us all. But just how did Craig become He Who Wiggles the Carrot? Well, every rising star needs a manager. Join us as we tell the tale of Hank Grimtooth.
EPISODE 22: Summer Frights II: Electric Boo-galoo
May 28th, 2019WE’VE GOTTA GO BACK….TO THE FUTURE! Well, the past. Yeah no it’s 100% the past. Specifically, one certain summer in the 1950s… We rejoin Jeremy, Howie, and Betsy at the peak of their Best Summer Ever, with all the freedom and pocket money they can ask for, sweet part-time jobs, and no sight of their … Read more
308. Hearts of Wulin Part 3
May 28th, 2019The tournament has come! Has Gentle Wu lost himself to the Hungering blade? Will Yishan manage to clean the books in time? How will Puja deal with knowing the truth of Wu’s feelings? HEARTS OF WULINKickstarter HELP OUR PEOPLEDonate to CaseyDonate to DrewDonate to Jef BUY MY BOOK!Amazon Pre-OrderBarnes and Noble Pre-Order TWITCH SCHEDULETwitch PageYoutube Archive … Read more