The Turtles attempt to find out more about the Pet-rification of New York City. Michelangelo perfects a new combat technique.
"Podcasts" Backlog
217. The Tearable RPG
September 11th, 2017Three elite FBI agents are deployed to “Evil Island” to participate in a Kung Fu Tournament run by the mysterious Art Vandelay. This mission is unclear, their powers are vaguely defined and their enemies are cartoonish parodies of people. This gets out of hand in the best ways possible,
43. Get Acquainted with the Unfamiliar Heroes – Part 1
September 9th, 2017Fay Onyx, the mastermind behind the Unfamiliar Heroes podcast project, and two of its GMs, Anna Murray and Jordan Green, chat about what it’s like to run an actual play with diverse players and characters at the core. This first part of our conversation focuses on addressing the needs of players, and considering how accessible your game system itself is.
Episode Eighty Nine
September 8th, 2017GURT EXPECTATIONS! The crew of the Mynock executes its plan of larceny through seduction. Can they pull off subterfuge, or will they be left high and Drine?
The PP Collection – Pt. I
September 5th, 2017A world even more astounding and unexpected than Shadowrun is the magical world of PPs. These fascinating creatures dwell within the (mostly) cut content of adventure comedy podcasts and feast on the frustrations of Game Masters. Venture into the dark but carefree lives of these peculiar beings in Part 1 of this NeoScum-exclusive special: The PP Collection.
Feng Shui 3: Part 4
September 4th, 2017Half way through the most important game of galactic street rules Basketball ever played, our heroes appear to be scraping by. There are still many questions left on the table. Perhaps most important is where is Nezu, the kidnapped boy who Shaq failed to rescue years ago? Will our heroes be able to find him before the shot … Read more
43. Alex Rowland
August 31st, 2017Larpwright Alex Rowland on designing opportunities for care, queering boffer, and the time for subtlety.
Episode 15: Good Riddance (Time of Your Life) (w/ Stephen Kropa)
August 30th, 2017It’s something unpredictable, but in the end is right. The Gang arrives in Chickenville/town and makes themselves at home. Wake us up when this episode ends?
46. Dusk Seabreeze: The Flow of Time
August 29th, 2017Welcome, Junior Wizards! They say time waits for no one. Not true. Thanks to a prompt from @ProjectHelm, “A shadow broker that secretly runs underground information. Even Big Jermey don’t know about him.” Dusk Seabreeze begins his dance.
TMNT 1 – A Turtle Cat-astrophe
August 29th, 2017This week, ADVENTURE tackles heroes in a half shell who are green.