"Podcasts" Backlog

54. Nathan Black

February 1st, 2018

Game designer, project manager, community manager and all around interesting guy Nathan Black talks everything from codes of conduct, selling a punch, to larping the everyday.

238. Swords Without Master

January 29th, 2018

A caravan stretches across a harsh and unforgiving desert. Mixed with the merchants, dignitaries, pilgrims, and travelers are The Rogues. Heroes whom no thing living or dead can claim. SWORDS WITHOUT MASTER Purchase Here DUNGEON DOME CARD GAME Mailing List TWITCH SCHEDULE Youtube Archive TAKE ACTION Find your Senators Find your Congressmen Make 5 Calls … Read more

60. Jeremiah Noodleman: J-Daze

January 26th, 2018

Welcome, Patreon Jr. Wizards! Happy Jeremiah Noodleman Day! This week, thanks to a prompt from Joe, Jeremiah Noodleman is born! The world will never be the same. January 23rd is forever ruined. I hope you brought your dancin’ shoes to the end of the world.

Ep 22: The Hole and The Hawk

January 25th, 2018

The Heavens and Hell are full. Over-occupied with mysteries and hostilities, the NeoScum have no place in either. But the road? The road belongs to NeoScum.

51. Pasion de las Pasiones with Brandon Leon-Gambetta

January 25th, 2018

Roughly translated as “the sexiest RPG on your shelf”, Pasion de las Pasiones is the telenovela RPG from Brandon Leon-Gambetta. We talk about: Latinx representation in games, telenovela tropes, statless playbooks, Hugh Jackman, and Pippin the Corgi. (There are tangents.)

7. Collaboration

January 25th, 2018

The Make Big Things team talks about making games as a cooperative.

237. NeoScum Crossover Part 5

January 22nd, 2018

Dak, Tech, Lance, and Van have been tasked with dropping a suspicious artifact into an abandoned building by The Red Vale. Although the money is good everything else seems really bad. Can they do the right thing without making a huge mess? NEOYEAR CHARITY DRIVE Donate Learn more NEOSCUM Listen LIVE SHOWS Level Eater Chicago podcast … Read more

59. Lance Crossblade: The Rapier and the Cudgel

January 18th, 2018

Welcome, Junior Wizards! This week, thanks to an incredible prompt from @Jeremiahnewbie, Lance Crossblade is born! In an ancient time, in a city plagued with injustice, two youths dreamed of what their lives could be. The two took separate paths, but those two roads converged to win a new future for their city. This is … Read more

53. Jonaya Kemper

January 18th, 2018

Game designer, writer, and researcher Jonaya Kemper leads us down the winding path of larp ethnography and emancipatory bleed.