Much to learn, we still have.
February 11, 2015
Show Notes
Hello, Heroes.
We’ve run into a problem with audio on this week’s episode. The file is corrupted beyond our current ability to repair.
While we’re still trying to salvage the recording, I’m afraid this week’s episode is a no-go. I apologize. We will try to make this up to you in the future.
Some further bad news is that I’m going to be out of town this weekend, so there’s no possibility that the boys and I can record a legitimate episode. This corrupted recording accounted for the next 3 episodes, and we’re all tightly scheduled out during that time.
We’ll figure out content for next week, but can’t promise it’s going to be a continuation of the plot.
What can you do? Sometimes the Death Star blows up on you.
You win this week, faulty audio, but we’ll rise again and become more powerful than you could possibly imagine.
On the brighter side of things, if these corrupted files can’t be salvaged, I promise we’ll release them into whatever clandestine chronicles we keep. I liked a lot of what we had going on, and think you will to.
Until next time, Peace is a lie. There is only passion.