NeoYear Charity Drive
December 25, 2017
Show Notes
Hey Heroes,
To make our inevitable cyberpunk dystopia a little more livable, ONE SHOT is partnering with Trans Lifeline for a charity drive. TLL is a 501(c)3 non-profit that provides crisis intervention and microgrants for transgender people.
No matter how grim our corp-run leather-clad neon-hellscape of a future gets, we can always make it a little better by caring for people in our community. As an organization dedicated to growing the tabletop gaming, we believe that creating an inclusive nurturing environment is critical to the continued growth of our hobby. If you believe in that mission, we invite you to join us in raising money for TLL to help make gaming a better hobby and build a better world.
To show appreciation to our listeners for joining us in this effort ONE SHOT is offering community rewards to incentivize donation:
$500: We give away 5 copies of Noisy Person Cards to folks who don’t have it.
$1000: James will release a secret archive game to the public.
$2000: Audio of Alex Roberts reading a bedtime story.
$2500: #JamesMustDye his hair with Trans Flag colors.
$3000: Three drawings to randomly select donors to receive a commission from one of our artist partners:
-Meg Dornbrock
-Molly Ostertag
-Eric Colossal
$3500: We raffle away games from our publishing partners to donors.
$4000: Performers from our Campaign Podcast read a fanfiction voted on by fans in character.
$5000: We make the Dungeon Dome Podcast feed including all of the hidden bonus episodes available to everyone.

Email a screen cap of your donation (any amount) to be sure to include if you already own NPC.
Thanks Heroes,
-The ONE SHOT Team