Dungeons & Da Asians #5: Pan Yan the Historian
January 1, 2020
Show Notes
As Dong Feng recovers from their wounds, our heroes venture to the Imperial Library of Xia to meet Pan Yan the Historian, a scholar who possesses the answers to the mysterious phenomenon that may destroy the kingdom!
If you have questions about this episode’s themes, suggestions, or anything else related to Asians Represent, or have sponsorship inquiries, get in touch with us on Twitter/Instagram @aznsrepresent, Facebook.com/aznsrepresent, or at aznsrepresent@oneshotpodcast.com.
Follow Daniel @danielhkwan, Ammar @ammarijaz, and Steve @DeeEmSteve on Twitter!
Intro: Cloudy by KODOMOi – https://soundcloud.com/kodomoimusic
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0
Outro: Explore by Ikson – https://www.soundcloud.com/ikson