Mass Effect: Everyone is Shepard 3: The Last Emergency Induction Port
March 27, 2018
Show Notes
Our Mass Effect ADVENTURE comes to an explosive finish!
Rebekah McFarland’s Etsy store is https://www.etsy.com/people/ Rebrekah. Have her fix your books at http://mcfarlandbookrepair. com/
Sarah has two other shows: The Immortals and Ad Absurdum, both of which can be found at http://theartimmortal.com/. She can be found at @SarahS2333.
Darcy Ross can be found tweeting at @DarcyLRoss, on the Cypher Speak podcast, the ConTessa gaming group, and now she works for Monte Cook Games!
Liz Brodinski is a co-host of the Cooperatives Podcast with her fiancé, Aaron (@CoOperativesPod). She can be found at @PaperbackLizard.
Alex Faraone can be found tweeting at @faraocious.
Pranks Paul can be found at @roguetldr or (@ADVENTURE_OSN for this show), on the OneShot stream, and also at Never Tell Me the Pods.