Buffy 4: Faithless
May 22, 2018
Show Notes
The insecurity demon finally meets its match.
Sarah has two other shows: The Immortals and Ad Absurdum, both of which can be found at http://theartimmortal.com/. She can be found at @SarahS2333.
Liz Brodinski is a co-host of the Cooperatives Podcast with her fiancé, Aaron (@CoOperativesPod). She can be found at @PaperbackLizard.
Aaron J. Amendola, in addition to co-hosting the Cooperatives Podcast, works with Liz on a variety of VstheUniverse projects. Here is VstheUNIVERSE’s YouTube page: https://www.youtube.com/user/VStheUNIVERSEtube. Here’s their Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/VStheUNIVERSE. Aaron can be found at @ImAaronJ.
Our mysterious guest Lindsey Simon…well, we’ll just let her speak for herself.
Pranks Paul can be found at @roguetldr or (@ADVENTURE_OSN for this show), on the OneShot stream, and also at Never Tell Me the Pods.