December 5, 2017
Show Notes
Sometimes waking up, eating breakfast, and leaving McDuck manor on time for a business meeting is the greatest adventure of all. Or at least this episode would have you believe.
Drew Mierzejewski (@worldstoforge) and Aly Grauer (@dreamstobecome) co-created Welcome to Warda, a fantasy setting livestream and podcast that you can find on the OneShot Network. Aly is also the co-host of the Get Hype Podcast (@GetHypePod).
JR Rubin (@JRisJunior) is shrouded in mystery.
Kat Kuhl (@wolvesarekuhl) is the host of the Campaign Podcast (@campaignpod) on the OneShot Network, and a co-host of Never Tell Me the Pods (nevertellmethepods.com).
Pranks Paul (@roguetldr) is the host of ADVENTURE, and is also the host of Never Tell Me the Pods.