It’s 1996: cell phones are a fantasy, JNCO jeans are in style, and there are monsters in the American wilds. In the town of Revenant, Alaska—just north of the Arctic circle and just south of the nation’s most untamed national park—three women from wildly different walks of life must come together in the face of monstrous beasts, unsavory politicians, and their own dangerous secrets in order to unite their community and discover the truth about a magic that just might save them all. Let’s play Monster of the Week!
Andrew has not been playing role-playing games for very long, so please be gentle. A very busy boy, Andrew works a full-time job in addition to enjoying a variety of side projects. When not working or playing RPGs, Andrew enjoys long walks on the beach and getting caught in the rain.
An avid lover of Dada, Tim plays bassoon. A lover of art, Tim has a particular affinity for this transformative piece masterfully crafted by Ringo Starr: A Elaphant Foot. Tim doesn’t know where to begin when talking about this piece, because there’s just so much. <3 Tim
A grad student in Los Angeles, Addison is currently trying to build a full-time career out of talking into microphones. Sometimes she does funny voices, sometimes she sounds like herself, sometimes she just screams. Sometimes she screams even when the microphone isn’t on. A self-proclaimed Halloween Queen, she loves all things horror, spooky, and scary. She enjoys writing, acting, ghost-hunting, and woefully misusing her Musical Theatre degree. You can catch her as the cohost of The Cryptid Keeper, voice acting on The Nosleep Podcast, and yelling about horror movies all over this big beautiful internet.

Alex Flanigan as Keeper / Every NPC
Alex is a human person who, despite writing words for a living, can never seem to come up with a good bio for these sorts of things. She has a very expensive bachelor’s degree she isn’t currently using and a handful of terrible puns she usually is. In the event you can ever get her to stand still for more than thirty seconds, she’d love to tell you all about her dog or the cryptids of her home state of West Virginia, and she’d love for you to compliment her on her very punk rock hair. In conclusion, she is just a (mostly) girl, standing in front of a podcast audience, asking them to love her.