EPISODE 19: The Monster Within pt. 3
May 7, 2019
Show Notes
As the rash of troubling behaviors begins to slowly become more apparent, Moriah pieces together a shocking discovery about a monster nobody knew they were fighting. Siobhan tries to confront the Sheriff and Director Kennedy about their symptoms and finds herself at the center of some difficult conversations. And as their hunt takes them back to ground zero, Martha struggles yet again with impulses she may not be able to hold off much longer…
CONTENT WARNINGS: prolonged discussion of depression/mental illness, violent urges, depiction of symptoms of severe depression, discussion of missing minor
Moriah Harris is played by Addison Peacock
Martha Campbell is played by Tim Woerner
Siobhan O’Shaughnessy is played by Andrew Giotta
The Keeper is Alex Flanigan
Theme music is “A Horror Borealis Theme” by Andrew Giotta.