Magic School Bus 1 – The Magic School Bus Goes Viral
August 1, 2017
Show Notes
Hello class, and welcome to ADVENTURE! This week, the kids in Ms. Frizzle’s class take a field trip inside Phoebe’s cousin in order to learn how vaccines work.
Meet our players for this week:
Darcy Ross can be found tweeting at @DarcyLRoss, on the Cypher Speak podcast, the ConTessa gaming group, and soon she’ll be working for Monte Cook Games! Hooray!
Riley Hopkins is at @RevRyeBread on Twitter. He also hosts the Alien Happy Hour podcast and moderates the OneShot discord. He is a good, good boy.
Kachel Witting is at @scrptkitty on Twitter. She’s a really nice person.
Liz Anderson can be found at @liesanderson. You’ll remember her as Chartreuse on Campaign, and she performs at ComedySportz in Chicago, and will be in a directing program show at The Second City. Her One-Woman No-Show wrapped in July, but be sure to catch it next time around. Also she was recently in a ClickHole picture.
Pranks Paul can be found at @roguetldr or (@ADVENTURE_OSN for this show), on the OneShot stream, and also at Never Tell Me the Pods.
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