Show Notes

Our party has battled their way just outside the door of the treasure room where they lost their dear friend Archibald only a few days ago. Facing the death of a friend would be difficult for anyone, but that’s just the beginning for our party. Kondor has fallen for Sprige, who slept with Inkwell, who is jealous of them both! Will they be able sort our their emotions and drive off the demons in order to save their town!?


Valorcon October 16-18

6PM-7PM Playing Likable Characters
8PM-10PM Campaign Vs. Improvised Star Trek

11AM-12PM Gaming podcasts 101
2PM-3PM GMing Roundtable
Come join this roundtable discussion between GMs – audience participation encouraged. Experienced GMs and game designers will be discussing mechanics, the state of the industry, and various topics relating to running and creating RPGs.

3PM-8PM Flight of the Robins
9PM-??? Main Stage Dread

12PM-1PM Not Designing a Heartbreaker

2PM-5PM Wes Anderson Fiasco

Metatopia November 5-8
Acadecon November 13-15
