379. InSp3tres Part 3

The Snatchers face down the ghostly projections of former business competitors as they try to understand how there could be any hauntings left in the industrialized phantasm poaching world. If they don’t discover the answer soon they might need snatching themselves! … because they will be dead and ghosts. does that make sense? THE ULTIMATE … Read more

378. InSp3tres Part 2

The Spirit snatchers make their way from Venezuela to Florida and contemplate what could possibly evade their top ten radio hit-based ghost deterrents and evade other hunting organizations. Well, no. Some groups might do that. The Spirit Snatchers carefully gave this absolutely no thought whatsoever. THE ULTIMATE MICRO RPG BOOK Pre-Order The Ultimate Micro-RPG Book! … Read more

377. InSp3tres Part 1

Felix “Flex” Cockhammer, Dylan Crackbacker, and Mark “The Summer Soldier” Summers return with their new friend Spaceman Hotep IV to face the first house call that they’ve had in a very long time. THE ULTIMATE MICRO RPG BOOK Pre-Order The Ultimate Micro-RPG Book! BUY OSN BOOKS The Ultimate RPG Gameplay Guide The Ultimate RPG Character … Read more

119. Rogue Trader Part 3

  The officers of The Golden Corral are locked in a desperate battle for their lives and cool guns, with an enemy they cannot see: the Eldar Warp Spiders. Also a sense of dread begins to settle in. Though the Eldar are formidable opponents, it is clear they are not responsible for all the damage … Read more

118. Rogue Trader Part 2

The crew of the Golden Corral continues to investigate the mystery of the derelict colony ship. It is clear there is violence in the history of this ill fated vessel, and wealth hidden away in its abandoned halls. However Captain Vienna Schnitzel and his crew are still ignorant of the lingering danger. Lucky for the Golden Corral, ignorance is their greatest asset.

117. Rogue Trader Part 1

40,000 years after the start of common era (which also happens to coincide with certain religious events) and several hundred million years before the events of Numenera, the galaxy is torn by war. Humanity is lead by an immortal god king kept living by eating 1,000 psychics a day. The universe is full of hostile alien life, strife, and cultural stagnation.

Thorough out man’s corrupt imperium perhaps there is no group more wicked, more callously focused on personal gain, than the crew of The Golden Corral.

78. Three Rocketeers 2

The insanity continues as our brave rocketeers finish a month-long gore spattered deep cover operation disguised as cleaning nuns with a flying car chase. However our team’s unity is threatened as a love pyramid almost turns the three rocketeers into the two rocketeers.