421. Danksgiving Part 2

James, JPC, Brad and Alex struggle to remember the convoluted character histories they created together just moments ago. Alan Rickman confidently advocates that he is capable of using a knife to the only man to ever overdose on marijuana- then the mummy Latharnicock shows up… a reminder, these are some of the best improvisers left … Read more

Skyjacks: Episode 116

MAIN SHOW Gable returns to The Uhuru with news of an unknown ship in the area. Orimar orders everyone to stand by and prepare. Not knowing if they face friend or foe means they have to be ready for everything. Tension mounts as the orphans are moved to a safe location at the heart of … Read more

420. Danksgiving Part 1

On the fabled haunted site where Kevin Smith wrote Mallrats, “The Dog Cafe” weed shop is preparing to throw a thank you dinner for the people who supported the Kickfunder that helped them open their doors. Grab a generous mug of baked beans from the boiling dumpster, pick your favorite strain, and get ready to … Read more

Skyjacks: Episode 115

While everyone was having their own adventures last week, Travis was sitting with some of his gloomier thoughts, as a bird. After the sun sets he decides to visit Bathroom Barry, the ship’s quartermaster for some advice. During this time he lets it slip that there might be a group aboard the Uhuru planning a … Read more

419. Heart Beats Part 2

Can heart transplant surgery cure homophobia? Will an underappreciated sibling’s ruse impersonating their more attractive counterpart result in bliss or disaster? Will a daring risk-taker perform a dangerous exploratory surgery to satisfy a medical insurance provider in a dark quid pro quo? Can something terrible please happen to Huckamule Kidcutter who is just THE WORST? … Read more

Skyjacks: Episode 114

We join Captain Orimar Vale in the process of trying to restore order to his life. His office, his ship, and his body have moved at the whims of wills other than his own for nearly a year. Finding a sense of normalcy will be slow work. Made all the slower by interruptions from aspiring … Read more

418. Heart Beats Part 1

CONTENT NOTE This series draws a lot of comedy from inappropriate conduct in a medical setting. James’ character repeatedly references losing child patients though no children are hurt in the course of the actual story. There is also frequent reference to how broken the US healthcare system and particularly health insurance is. THE ULTIMATE MICRO … Read more

Skyjacks: Episode 113

The sun begins to set as the dinner-bell rings. Travis decides to see how valuable the information he won from the Morrigan is. Jonnit and Gable bully Travis for being insistent on having a constant existential crisis. They decide to peep into the future to put him at ease, a choice that I’m sure won’t … Read more

417. Sentinel Comics Part 5

Our heroes continue their dramatic final confrontation with some of the world’s most dastardly villains. However, each villain they defeat seems to be reduced to harmless inanimate objects just like their previous confrontation. This begs the question: Are any of these fights real? Is it even possible to defeat the person behind this and return … Read more

Skyjacks: Episode 112

We join the Crew of the Uhuru in transit after leaving N’Goni. Their coffers are full (at least fuller than they were) and the crew is enjoying their time between ports while they determine what their next plan should be. Travis enjoys some light vanity reading, which turns out to be a nightmare. Jonnit takes … Read more